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After the Pandemics.

dimanche 31 mai 2020, par Yves

After the Pandemics.

1/ COVID 19 has finished annoying us. The pandemics have left ground for some time to relief, scientists quarrel without us understanding what about, people think only of holidays, whether their focus is their tourism or taking advantage of it.

And the President of the US can count on his country’s creativity, also when it is due to a foreigner, to launch rockets which don’t crash.

To pay tribute to the end in many places of the shutdown, please give a look to the photo exhibition which has already been announced.

2/ China was and still is a global topic. It was the case before the “Chinese virus” and it is more so today.

As Professor Xiang Lanxing writes in his book “A quest for legitimacy”, the Westerners never really understood the Chinese, whom he considers as Confuceans more than anything else, and even now the Westerners are not understanding the Chinese much better.

So now the Chinese are viewed as responsible for all the trouble.

By the way, who are we talking about ? the Chinese people ? They are 1,3 billions, as I dared say once to a “socialist” former Minister of Foreign Affairs, and these 1.3 billion people don’t think all like their leaders – he brushed away these objections : obviously he talked and still talks only to leaders…

So to be accurate, Xi Jinping is the one. He is accused of hiding how bad was the virus which was hitting Wuhan. He fired local politicians, like the mayor of Wuhan, uncapable to hide or treat correctly what was already an epidemic. He accepted from the start the death of the doctor whistle blower Li Wenliang.

Well, in the West, no leader ever called the virus who had not killed anyone “a small flu” ?

Xi, looking for domination, launched in 2013 the “Belt and Road Initiative” to get more clients even in Africa and Latin America, in order to be able to rule these continents and today, with his mask diplomacy, look generous.

But we, Europeans, didn’t we court China to save us from the ruin we were threatened of after the subprime crisis in 2007-2008 ?

When China asked for its due after the era of shame which started with the Anglo-European opium war in 1842, when it started to gain more leadership under Mao Zedong power in 1949, how did we voice to the US leaders that China deserved a better say in the global governance in IMF, World Bank and G20 ?

It required Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping to create their own challenge to plurilateralism, detrimental to the one which started in 1944, followed with his nationalist credo by the current US President, who is killing one after another organizations and agreements which his country doesn’t rule, for the EU to realize Europe was a main beneficial of OECD and mainly WTO from a US leadership which accepted to share the global governance.

And that the EU would have more to lose if a Sinamerican order submitted to the law of dictatorship and the richest this earth.

So please, French and European leaders, be realistic. You will not win by howling with the wolf, neither by being complacent to the Chinese rulers.

Be able to face globalization and make it listen to the weakest, to a capitalism more respectful of nature, of a governance which relies more on expertise and less on politicians clout.

Isn’t that the new world we are aiming for ?